
Equivalente a: BAT AM 2 de la National Roman Fabric Reference Collection (Tomber y Dore 1998, 854). Las pastas más antiguas pueden ser equivalents a BAT AM 1 (Tomber y Dore, 1998, 84).

Visual characteristics

Según Peacock y Williams: “Very thick, rough sandy fabric, usually buff (7.5YR 7/4), light reddish-brown (2.5YR 6/4) or grey (7.5YR N6/) in colour, sometimes with a salt-whitened surface. Prominent white and colourless inclusions of quartz and feldspar can be seen, with lesser amounts of darker coloured rock fragments and white limestone. The early fabrics tend to be quite sandy while the later ones are much less so, with grey surfaces and fresh fractures often showing a dark central core sandwiched between lighter zones. Bodysherds often have a tendency to laminate. There are certain similarities of fabric with sherds of Haltern 70, though the latter normally tend to be noticeably thinner”.


“Thin sectioning shows frequent inclusions of quartz, quartzite, potash and some plagioclase feldspar, together with fragments of quartzite sandstone, chert, limestone, quartz-mica-schist and flecks of mica. The fabric is characterised by the heterogeneous nature of the rock and mineral inclusions, which reflect the complex geology of the Sierra Morena and other sources of Guadalquivir sediment” (Peacock y Williams 1986, Class 25).